Friday, December 26, 2008


Most conventional wisdom believes that after about three shocks, by a defibrillator, the chances of making a full recovery begin to decline. After all, this will mean the patient has been without a viable heartbeat for many minutes.

One thing that can extend this time is quick, efficient and persistent CPR. As we know, CPR serves to keep the muscles and organs of the body flushed with oxygenated O2 while the defibrillator tries to shock the heart back into its usual rhythm.

Below is an amazing story of a man who received 11 shocks before his heart restarted. It seems the fire-services' persistence really paid off. For me this is an excellent case highlighting a) how amazing defibrillators are and b) how effective CPR can be if used in conjunction with a defibrillator.

When used together, CPR and Defibrillators have amazing power to save a life!

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Defibtech Video