Monday, July 28, 2008

Defibrillators are in fact very simple machines

Defibrillators are in fact very simple machines. They can only operate within a small scope and look for a specific signs before they will recommend a shock. If these specific factors are not detectable then it is impossible for the unit to deliver a shock.

The software in the machine recognizes two different signals, either a regular heart pattern, which looks like this:

Or a heart which is in ventricular fibrillation VF, which looks like this:

If the defibrillator detects this abnormal heart pattern, it will advise a shock to try and restore the hearts normal function.
NOTE: The unit does not automatically shock, it remains the choice of the person attending to finally press the button to deliver the shock.

It is completely impossible for the unit to operate if the VF pattern is not present.

Any comments that defibrillators are dangerous is completely groundless and based in ignorance.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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