Tuesday, July 29, 2008

What is Ventricular Fibrillation (VF) ?

Ventricular fibrillation is an uncoordinated series of very rapid, but ineffective contractions throughout the ventricles of the heart.

In most case the person who is being affected will become unconscious in seconds and if not treated immediately will go in to convulsions.
This can cause irreversible brain damage in a very short period, often less than five minutes, as there is a lack of oxygen reaching the

These ineffective and uncoordinated contractions of the heart are initiated by irregular electrical activity in the lower heart chambers or ventricles.

This condition is a common complication of heart attacks and can also be caused by electrocution or drowning or other shocks to the body.

With ventricular fibrillation the heart will cease to pump blood effectively and unless a normal heart rhythm is quickly restored this condition is often fatal.

The most effective way to treat VF is via early defibrillation.

The Most common course of VF is a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) SCA affects milions of people all over the world and kills up to 6000 people in Hong Kong every year., that's over 15 people a day!

You don't have to be old, sick or overweight to suffer from a SCA.

It is also not something that only effects western people.

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